The Drapers Interview
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On a rainy Sunday in January, something special was happening behind closed doors at Sunday Best...
To celebrate our 50th year in business, leading fashion industry magazine Drapers got in touch with us, requesting an interview and photo shoot with Jan. We, of course, said yes!
Talking to Jan about her experience of being at the helm of Sunday Best since 1971, the 4 page article details how she set up the business -"I made some really great mistakes. I bought loads of hot pants just as they went out of fashion" - how we are faring in the current climate - "I've been moved to tears by how loyal some customers have been", and the many milestones along the way.
The article also looks at how we are adapting to have a greater presence online, to make sure you, our lovely customers, can still get your Sunday Best fix.
With love,
SB x